We are actively seeking ways to make contact with professional people and set up programs to increase the knowledge and the understanding of Alcoholics Anonymous.
With whom do we cooperate?
- Family doctors or other health care professionals
- Members of the clergy
- Law enforcement or court officials
- Educators
- Social workers
- An alcoholism or other counselor
- ANYONE who deals with problem drinkers in the course of their work.
We believe that professionals are our best allies in getting the AA message to the still suffering alcoholic.
To carry the message to professionals and to students attending professional schools in the community, helping them to understand how and why AA works.
How this is Accomplished
Members of the CPC Committee inform professionals and future professionals about AA; What we do, Where we are, What we can and cannot do. We attempt to establish better communication between AA’s and professionals and to find simple effective methods of cooperating without affiliating.
What We Can Provide: Workshops
For AA members: We will provide workshops for regional conventions, Area assemblies, District meetings, service information days, and set up information tables at District or Area conferences. This kind of workshop provides an opportunity to assist AA members in carrying the AA message to the still-suffering alcoholic.
For our professional friends: We will explain how Alcoholics Anonymous may be helpful to people served by professionals. We will be more than happy to attend a “working” breakfast, luncheon or dinner, provide AA literature and meeting information, or put on workshops on professional development days.
For students attending professional schools: For students studying medicine, nursing, law, psychology, teacher training, management, the ministry or any other course that is preparing the student for direct contact with people, we will set up workshops and provide literature that will better enable the student to gain an understanding of Alcoholics Anonymous.
National or International Meetings of Professionals: Exhibits at national or international sights are coordinated through the General Service Office (GSO) in New York. Invitations are reviewed by the CPC trustee committee for approval. Local CPC committee members staff these exhibits. The costs for these exhibits are handled by GSO.
Local, Regional or Provincial Meetings: CPC participation at these events is coordinated by the local CPC committee at 234 Eglinton Ave. E. The local CPC committee will set up and man an information booth at these events. The local or Area committee handles the costs for these events.
When we set up one of these exhibits they will be manned by AA members who distribute AA information and pamphlets, answer questions and assist visitors in filling out free subscription cards for information about AA. Those filling out these cards will be sent a packet of basic AA literature.
For more information, email us at cpc@aatoronto.org