Twelfth Step

The 12 Step Committee meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
Meeting ID: 813 0646 6967
PW: 572531
All are Welcome – Come Join Us

Our Twelfth Step – carrying the message – is the basic service that the AA Fellowship gives; this is our principle aim and the main reason for our existence. Therefore, AA is more than a set of principles; it is a society of alcoholics in action. We carry the message, else we ourselves can wither and those who haven’t been given the truth may die.
Bill W.

Monthly Phone Greeter and 12 Stepper Training

Twelve Step work is at the forefront of bringing hope to alcoholics and their families. Those engaged in this vital service understand the profound impact of their efforts, recognizing that they are saving lives, one person at a time. The mandate of the Twelve Step Committee is to ensure that someone is always available when an alcoholic reaches out for help.

Sobriety Requirements for Service

  • 1 year Sobriety for Phone Greeters and Help Chat Agents
  • 2 years of sobriety for 12 steppers
  • No sobriety requirement for committee work

We do this by offering a few options for service:

What is a Help Line Phone Greeter?

The Helpline Phone Greeter serves as the welcoming first point of contact for individuals reaching out to AA through our 24/7 Helpline (416) 487 5591. Thriving AA members share their experience, strength, and hope during each call, providing empathy, resources, and guidance to help callers find meetings and answers to their questions. Comprehensive training and support from the 12th Step Committee equip greeters with the necessary tools to assist effectively. This role offers flexibility, as it can be performed remotely or in the office, allowing volunteers to make a meaningful impact.

Phone shifts are typically four hours long. Volunteers are encouraged to commit to at least one shift per month, with options for weekly service or more for those eager to give back. For added flexibility, there is also a Spares list for those who wish to step in when additional help is needed.

We also have opportunities for Overnight Phone Greeter Shift work. Either 9pm-1am, or 1am – 9am, or sometime 9am-9pm, this shift can be where some of the most meaningful 12 Step work can take place.

Requirement: 1 year of sobriety

Please submit Phone Greeter volunteer form

What is a 12 Stepper?

A 12 Stepper answers calls or texts from our Phone Greeters when more connection is needed for aa caller. They engage directly with newcomers, offering one-on-one support by sharing personal experiences to help them understand the AA program. This includes in-depth conversations, face-to-face meetings, and accompanying individuals to their first AA meetings. Twelve Steppers also assist those unable to attend meetings, such as individuals who are hospitalized or homebound. Additionally, through “Bridging the Gap,” they connect with individuals transitioning from treatment facilities or correctional institutions.

Requirement: 2 years of sobriety

Please submit 12 Stepper Volunteer form

12 Step Committee

It takes a village to offer 24/7/365 Helpline service. This includes:

  • 12 Step Committee Chair
    • selected by the GTA Intergroup Committee to serve at their pleasure for a minimum of 1 year, maximum of 2
    • Approx 4 hours of service per month
  • Vice Chair – shadow the committee chair to take over at the end of their service committment
    • Approx 2 hours of service per month
  • Secretary
    • Approx 2 hours of service per month
  • Greeter Coordinators – each position may require 2 hours of service per month
    • Scheduling
    • On Boarding and Training
    • Overnight Greeter Coordinator
  • 12 Stepper Coordinator – approx 2 hours of service per month

Curious? Please contact

Greeter Coordinators

Greeter Coordinators ensure our Helpline operates 24/7 by managing the master schedule, maintaining current volunteer lists, and overseeing the phone dashboard to direct calls to the appropriate greeter. If a greeter is unavailable for a scheduled shift, Coordinators promptly contact volunteers from the spares list to find a replacement. Their collaboration and meticulous scheduling are vital to providing a seamless Helpline experience. 


Training is offered any day from 9:00 am to 9:30 pm in what we call a Shadow Shift. Trainees log into a Zoom room with an experienced phone greeter taking live calls; basically, the virtual version of on-the-job training.We also offer monthly training sessions on the first Sunday of the month from 4-6pm


Who is responsible? – I am responsible when anyone anywhere reaches out for help I want the hand of AA always to be there and for that I am responsible.